Whilst the December period is a time to reflect on the year and celebrate some of the prior year accomplishments, it is also a time to give back and try help people in need. Each December, the team at PFP have a tradition of picking a cause and trying our best to make a difference in the lives of others.
2021, Ikhaya Da Luz Childrens Home was the party that we teamed up with and assisted. Celeste Nel (PFP's head of Business Development) took ownership of the project and was tasked with ensuring each and every child's Christmas wish was made true and for once in their lives they would be spoilt with all the presents they deserved.
Note - the photos of the children at Ikhaya Da Luz have been blurred out to protect their identities.
Whilst our contribution made a small difference to the lives of these children, we thanks all the people behind this amazing place and who work so selflessly in trying their best to benefit others. If you have the means and would like to contribute towards an amazing cause then please visit (https://www.facebook.com/ikhayadaluz/) or contact them on 082 454 9237 to get in touch or find out more. A truly amazing group of special and a special bunch of children.